Who We are


We should be able to do because we can use it more safely to use the Internet more effectively.

If your customers are interested in preventing their employees from accessing inappropriate Japanese websites during business hours, we have a solution for you.  We have a listing of over 5,400,000 Japanese websites which we carefully viewed and examined with our own eyes. websites can be best examined by Japanese. That is why our well experienced Japanese staffs check Japanese websites on a regular basis and create a URL filter database which includes over 5,400,000 URLs, categorized into 63 groups and 434 sub-groups.  Use of our URL filter database as part of your product offering will surely enhance your Internet filtering and log analysis system.  The list we provide includes URLs, titles(Japanese) and date of collection. We do not do anything to make URLs unseen.  The list is available through our unique web system or can be provided on a web system, update on the information will be easily available.  For your more effective Internet filtering, please add our URL filter database to your product offering.

Ariba Network ID AN01437886963
D&B D-U-N-S 69-751-6669


偽サイト マガジン
日々収集の偽サイトのデータ販売は「偽サイト マガジン」で販売しています。

By all means, please support us with paypal 请支持我们.ما حمایت کنید https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/neobloodcojp/10usd



市町村 自治体様 向けに偽サイトを日々収集公開している株式会社ネオブラッドが「ふるさと納税」の偽サイトページを見つけご連絡するサービスです。

詳細は「ジチタイワークス HA×SH(ハッシュ)」または弊社infoサイトをご確認お願い致します。*「常陸牛」での収集サンプル / 偽サイトの被害少なくするために是非ご活用ください。

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